Atypicalreader Bee Experience Storytelling Picture.jpg

Two months ago, I had a very wild idea. Untested and Unprecedented. A vision to widen literary imagination and bring stories to life for young readers. I drew inspiration from my daughter Avery and the book ‘Omar, the bees and Me.’

With the help of Owlet Press and Hackney City Farm, we delighted over 200 families across four days.

The day began with the most joyful storytelling session by the wonderful Laura Sampson. This set the tone perfectly for the day. Our families learnt all about the bees and why it was important to create a bee corridor.  In our arts and crafts session, we created the most vivid corridor of wildflowers. We ended the day with a truly immersive and memorable visit to the beehives. We marveled at the work of over 500,000 bees, working hard to produce the most delightful honey. We learnt:

  •   All about the structure of the hive

  • The origins and role of a Beekeeper

  •   The Queen Bee and her dutiful workers

  •   Why bees are the most important pollinators of food crop

We ended the day with a bounty of honey and honey comb to take home and copies of the book Omar, the Bees and Me.

Atypicalreader Experience was an absolute success. Far beyond what I could have ever imagined.  

We’ve built a strong network of families and collaborators and more importantly fulfilled the mission of bringing the story of Omar, the Bees and Me to life.

Here’s a link to our 5 star reviews: